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tv   ABC7 News on KOFY 7PM  KOFY  April 22, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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this is the only level one trauma center. tonight is the city equipped to handle a mass casualty situation like in boston? >> and in the park a real marijuana mess. how do you prevent this from happening again. >> people hoping to beat the odds with a career at the new casino. >> and helping you consider going on a low carbon diet. turns out you are what you eat it and could affect the rest of us, too. >> these are the empty scenes of downtown boston after the bombings. so boft john getting back to
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business. good evening into the space of just 11 seconds more than 200 people were injured one week ago. as of tonight 48 are still in the hospital two. remain in critical condition. five are listed as serious. at least 14 lost all, or art of a limb. boston has six level one trauma centers san francisco only has one, so we ask could it happen here, we have to ask t happen here? we are live tonight at san francisco general hospital. >> sf general, the next closest trauma centers are at stanford, highland and john muir. the boston personnel on scene for the marathon and a high level of hospitals with level
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one trauma jernts where specialists and equipment are available all day, every day it would be surgeons and an theseologists, radiology. that that full complement of care is here at all times. >> current numbers show about 200 patients went to five such centers. in san francisco there is a single center at san francisco general serving the county and the northern part of san mateo county. now, it's emergency room has 27 beds in the new hospital, which should be dmun 2015, the emergency room will be bigger. >> in the new hospital the emergency room will merely triple in size. we currently have 27 beds in the room. we'll have 60 in the new hospital and have ability to double that to surge up to 120 in a mass casualty incident. >> sf general and san francisco department of emergency management say not all victim woz need a trauma center, they're confident san francisco could handle a mass
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casualty incident so numbers seem to tell a different story. >> we'll weed be looking to neighbors around the bay area to fly or drive them so make sure right patients get to the right ware. >> if -- care. >> if there was a large incident today, the ambulance would be triaging on the field so injured folks could wo come here but other hospital woz join right in and we'd work together. >> san francisco emergency management says hospitals do not have helicopter landing pads there are preidentified landing zones in the city and county where ambulances could land to get in, or out of, the city. >> thank you. bay area boy wounded got a special set of visitors today. that is redic on the bed with
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him. they're in boston to play the red sox. and aaron receive aid special video greeting back home. take a look. >> those are the classmates at martinez junior high sqool a video get well soon posted on you tube. one of aaron's teachers came wupt idea the school allowed the kids to tame time off to shoot it and put their wishes down on paper. very thoughtful. >> elsewhere in boston tonight dozens of investigators and first responders stood at attention as the fbi turned over it's downtown crime scene to the city. a color guard presided over the presentation nchl a
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ceremony marking the reopening of boylston street. earlier today after the first two of bombs went off, people paused to observe a moment of silence. the president paid respects at the white house. a private funeral service held today for crystal campbell the 29-year-old restaurant worker one of three people killed in the explosion. a memorial service for a student from china also killed last week is scheduled for tonight. >> as for the surviving suspect in the bombings, he was charged today with using a weapon of mass destruction. charges read in his hospital room where jahar tsarnaev is now in serious, but stable condition an fbi affidavit says he was seen using a cell phone after leaving a backpack at the scene of the explosion this, is video of the capture friday night. he will be tried in federal court and not in a military tribunal. senator feinstein says she
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wants to know about jahar's brother, tammerlan, questioned two years ago before a six month trip to rush yoo ya. >> did he sit in his aunt and uncles home six months or dododododododododododododododode should be checked out? >> investigators again searched the boat where jahar tsarnaev was found and investigators in boston tell abc news they're looking into whether tammerlan tsarnaev was involved in a unsolved triple murder around the 10th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. >> san francisco is taking part in a world wide campaign in support of boston now. runners gathering at chrissy field tonight and abc 7 news is live at chrissy field with the story for us.
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>> this is happening other city as krogs kerk. hundreds signed up here we have a good crowd about 50 or 60 to honor the victims this, started by a group called pavement runner, brian kelly. took you just days to organize this. >> yes. i posted it and sort of invited all cities around the world and this to just have a group run. >> why do it?. >> what happened in the boston marathon affected runners and spectators and rung community is so close and loving that i felt we needed to feel that in a real, human way by gathering and going for a run. >> thank you so much. good luck on the run. you can run. it's usually going to take tree to four miles to get from here to point reyes for the
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golden gate bridge. again, you can run half a mile, a mile, whatever, it's for a good cause. >> thank you. >> well, moving on police trying to figure out if someone has been cooking more than just crab at san francisco fisherman's wharf. an employee found garbage bags full of marijuana this morning. they're found in the dumpster behind the restaurant. police say bags contained about 50 pounds of pot. they haven't said if bags got there. but that certainly something they're looking into. it's earth day and that is not what happened in san francisco over the weekend. thousands packed golden gate park for an unauthorized pot celebration, and they trashed
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the place. >> it apparently was a perfect storm this, holiday fell on a weekend. the weather was fan safety -- fantastic. and those folks brought trash with them for this event. if you like marijuana this was a celebration of culture. this is called 4:20 on this saturday, some 15,000 gathered in golden gate park. and this is the aftermath. crews spent all day start agent 6:30 in the morning cleaning up what officials estimate was 9760 pounds of trash. >> she told us she enjoyed vibe but not the mess.
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>> i'm not putting them as lazy and dirty marijuana smokers but i was concerned about the lawn. >> celebration happens every year it's not a permitted event. the city work was organizers or charges fees. so it's costing taxpayers $10,000 for the clean up. and keep in mind smoking of any kind is illegal in city parks. >> there are some questions about whether this is an appropriate event to be permitted in parks but when people use our parks they need to pack it in, pack it out. >> the supervisor says because of the fact teenagers were there she's calling for a ban. >> the marijuana is illegal, i don't think there is something that can be done other than making sure there is enforcement.
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>> but mayor ed lee suggests a measure add approach. identifying organizers and working with them. >> the question is if we make attempts to stop what reaction will be that becomes a nightmare for us. >> the mayor says that is what they did with the organizers of the annual pillow fight. he says they contacted them through social media then initiated discussions and he believes they're now taking more responsibility for cleaning up their mess. live at golden gate park abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> still ahead hazard on the side of the road. i team looking into a charge that highway guardrails are likely to fail in a collision. >> a transition blunder.
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california kids with autism supposed to get continued care. they're cutoff completely. >> numerous highs around the bay area. a cooler pattern developing already. i'll give you a look in just a moment. >> a 1953 stanford baseball team has a trip they took to college world series. stay with us. a lot
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[ man ] we have a go for auto sequence start. t-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ignition. [ male announcer ] launch your internet experience on at&t's newly expanded advanced digital network and connect more wi-fi-enabled devices at home.
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[ female announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] and get more speed for wi-fi gaming, more reliability than ever and more connectivity between devices. [ female announcer ] so call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] u-verse high speed internet. [ man ] where all systems are go. ♪ sometimes state cuts end
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up hurting unintended victims. one day they had help, the next it was just gone. >> it's kind of like the rug being pulled out from under you. >> rachel knows how applied behavior analysis has helped her 4-year-old autistic son. studies is show it you improves communication and relationships while the aggression and self injury. >> we saw improvements in that when doing therapy. so exciting. >> as the state phases out healthy families program to cut costs and lose nearly 900,000 kids into medical, something went wrong. hundreds of low income families using autism services were told their abc therapy would continue in the new program but they were cutoff april 1. >> we certainly have seen regressions.
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>> families have been fearing the benefits would be cutoff. nobody list skbrend can explain y the department of health care services didn't provide anyone for an interview saying that people were too busy preparing on the topic in a statement the agency says we're working to ensure members continue to have appropriate access to behavioral services. so we asked them that forced private insurers to cover ab ra. what he's doing about it we're fighting to change this. look at every child with autism should have benefits of this early intervention. >> the problem made fade with time. >> since we've lost therapy we've had a couple instances where he's been aggressive. and we need to ask if they've
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stopped and not harm anymore kids. >> the next waive is may 1. abc 7 news. >> the san francisco city attorney launched a formal investigation into the dumping of mental health patients by state of nevada. patients given bus tickets to destinations around the country with no food, medication or arrangements for housing. one hospital discharged 1500 patients. a third wound up in california. three dozen ticketed for san francisco. >> those hoping to land a job, the new casino going to open this year and abc 7 news wayne freedman explains it will soon be one of the biggest employers in the county its not so little casino. a project rising from fields
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and still raising tempers among some. >> a lot of neighbors are against it. we just gave up because we can't fight it anymore. >> it's raising hope many many in the unemployed. people like wendel white laid off from a job he held for 30 years. >> it's hard to get that one spot. have you to be the one they're looking for so just kind of take chances. >> the tribe used jobs as a selling point and expect tomorrow ploy 2,000 people. >> i feel like it would be a great opportunity to get into something new. >> the tribe making good on promise of jobs. >> the tribe worked hard to bring this to where sit today. i look forward to hiring 2000 people and putting them to work. >> they would prefer to hire
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tribal members and residents first but expect applicants from across california and other states. >> look looking for friendly people that understand hospitality if you've never worked in the business before we'll teach you how to do it. >> he has a baby on the way. >> i'm willing to leern same for christie a stay at home mother two of. she wants to be a dealer. the tribe going to send her to school free. >> how would a job safe your live? >> giving me social interaction with adults again. . >> and if you're looking for a job make plans to attend the next job journal hire he vechblt you'll find them all
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in mid peeleddas between noon and 4:00 tomorrow. >> great resource. >> yes. >> it's warm out there. >> it's taken. >> warm today, here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. no clouds right now. toastal fog is returning. this is points northward going to be moving up the coastline tomorrow bringing cooling influence throughout coastal locations. here is a look down to the bay taking a look at record highs for this date. 91 santa rosa. 89 san rafael. and temperatures continuing to moderate a little bit. a live view from emeryville.
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69 san francisco. the mountain view, 80 but cooler in santa cruz. temperatures into 50s there. another live view and further readings 86 in fairfield. 75 in union city. take a look at the forecast. it will be clear with patchy coastal fog. around the bay and inland cooler pattern developing for the week and will be cooler tomorrow for the coastline. taking a look at coastline, high pressure dominant feature today. bringing us more dry pattern but the warmth peaked already. temperatures moving off into the week. low temperatures into low 50s. we'll see upper 40s on the coast. then, following time line at 5:00 in the morning fog moving
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northward place as long coastline will remain warm tomorrow and around the bay. not at record levels as it was today. high temperatures low 80s, 83 san jose. peninsula, highs 77 in san mateo. and mid 8 -- 60s on the coast. downtown san francisco a high of 72 tomorrow after highs of 82 today. we'll see low 80s in the north bay valleys tomorrow, east bay low to mid-80s. and here is the accu-weather forecast. continued mild throughout wednesday, but cooling down and then, coolest day of the week thursday with highs into low 50s and mid-70s inland. we've seen record warmth for a while. >> following breaking news
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right now a big rig is tying up traffic on the connector ramp of westbound 92. >> sky 7 overhead. patrol calling a tow truck out to clear the wreck. these are live pictures.
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developing news in a 7 on your side investigation at least three people are under arrest tonight including this man he ran of lending promising disstressed homeowners for $2,000 their homes would be refinanced and they'd get out from being underwat. he is facing a trial for assault. our cameras were not allowed in the courtroom where bailiffs slapped handcuffs on him and put him in jail. also under arrest are two other men investigators still looking for a fourth man.
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james allen rivera. >> a sr serious concern about safety on highways is emerging from a nasty court battle. abc 7 news i team is covering tonight. guard harman claims one competitor has changed the design on a guardrail end unit. and there are 600,000 of these across the country and california. >> the board locks up. the head kicks to the side flips around or that is what is rigid. cuts off legs and cuts people in half. >> the company making the unit says they're skpaf approved by the government and is trying to make money making false accusations. now, our dan noyes looks into that in an investigation tonight on at 11:00. >> and there is more still to come a frightening terrorist plot. you'll hear from authorities
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who foiled it just in time. >> tsa maybing changing its mind about what you're allowed to
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omg, stop. jack, your new chipotle chicken club is craze amaze. annnd chipotle is totes trending. spicy crispy chicken, hickory smoked bacon, melting cheese, and smoky chipotle sauce plus fries and a drink for $4.99? that combo is chipot-cray. and chipotle is my hashtag faveflave. let me guess-you're the new social media intern. yeah! great. i'm late for a meeting. can you make some copies? ...with the tanning bed?
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on the heels of the boston marathon bombings authorities apparently thwarted a terror plot in canada. two men have been arrested for the plot calling for derailing a busy passenger train. intelligence officials say the men got help from an al qaeda cell based in iran and authorities had stepped in to arrest the man they say the royal canadian mounted police says insint people would have been injured or killed. >> these charges include conspiring to interfere with transportation facilities and murdering persons for the benefit of a terrorist group. we're alleging that these two individuals took steps and conducted activities to initiate a terrorist attack. >> there are no apparent ties between the men and boston bombing suspects.
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>> the government is changing its mind about whether to allow small knifes on planes. officials delayed a plan to allow knifes and other sporting equipment on to airliners. the traigs says it put off the move to allow feed back from a committee. the head of the tsa proposed the change last month saying would it allow the agency to concentrate on greater threats. flight attendants and their unions are fiercely opposing lifting that ban on knives. >> well, budget cuts are forcing air traffic controllers to take furlough days. the cuts went into affect over the weekend. abc 7 news is here here with a look on the impact. >> the faa says 6700 flights every day may be delayed. because they're just not enough eyes to watch them. the faa says the skies are a little less crowded today and frustration among passengers is higher.
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a gate agent tells passengers we didn't know this would happen but two months ago ray lahood warned cuts could force the faa to furlough controllers. >> congress needs to fix this. fix a very dumb law. >> congress has not fixed it and now, the faa says every controller will be laid off one day twofr weeks and flights delayed or canceled. >> boarding a plane to get back to lax. just sat on the tarmac about an hour. >> larry's flight never did make it to los angeles and some flights from los angeles were hours late last night. >> we had flights operating as late as, as early as 2:00 a.m. >> that flight supposed arrive
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before 11:30. mike's flight delayed six hours. >> if i'm delayed six hours and can't work what is everybody else delayed? how much have you lost? >> the long delays were mostly at lax. san francisco international airport report nod delays due to air traffic controller furloughs. same for oakland airport. unless reported as furlough delays they'll just get mixed with other reasons the airlines are delayed or flights cancelled. >> air travel changed. >> saying flying from l.a. is a hassle but still the way to go. jeff isn't sure. >> i left my house at 8:00 in the morning it's 1:00 so that is five hours i'm in the done getting my bags so it's a wash. that is i can tell you. >> everyone is recommending you frequently check the
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status of your flight particularly in hours before you travel. >> yes good advice. >> new tonight at 6:00 a defeat for those fighting to keep a post office open in downtown berkly. despite protests from the city the u.s. postal service says it's approved the sale of the berkeley post office building. saying the sale is part of a postal service effort to reduce costs and generate revenue. >> the city leaders in atherton want snoun pay respect for presidential visit after april 4th the city says it spend $5,000 on police overtime and another on clean up. they're sending out bills for $8,000 to the while the house. the democratic national committee and two people who hosted the president. >> it's great to have a dignitary coming through your community. you should be welcoming their visit and i'm sorry but no.
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we're not going reimburse you for the expense. >> san francisco spent $62,000 on the president's visit this month a three day building blitz today to give families a new roof over their heads. volunteers rolled up their sleeves to shore up walls from work sites. in east oakland eight homes are going up. today, culmination of a free called a. >> we have lorl volunteers from all walks of live. you can build together. >> all families had to volunteer to build houses and the price tag over 30 years with no interest.
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very exciting. >> coming up next a new low carbon diet. >> how change something eating habits could help save the plan [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call now for a new low price. u-verse triple play bundles start at $79 a month. get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] plus now get two times the internet speed than before.
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>> this pizza is not part of a low carb diet. >> we have a whole grain wheat. >> the chef made this pizza on earth day to prove a point. wheat is one of the crops said to be affected by climate change and cheese some consider that a cause of climate change. >> cows probably the worst animals from animal standpoint. >> but how do you make a decent pizza? bon apetit management company decided to show how it's done. >> this is a beautiful green mix. >> as for students all they can talk about is how it's affecting their taste buds. >> yum. >> i went back for another vice slice. >> this is good. >> i like that.
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>> finger licking good? >> it's good. >> the students hardly noticed it's hardly missioning. >> i don't know. it's good. >> it's not just about cheeselessness. apairus comes from a local farm. >> it doesn't make as long of a journey. >> this farmer admits the biggest hit was the natural potato chips. we never said anything about being low carb. just low carbon. >> that is good. >> ahead tonight michael finney proves getting married doesn't have to break your budget. >> a wedding gown
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a major milestone for net flix.
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the company says it eeked out a proflt of $3 million but added two million customers and now, net flix has more subscribers in the united states than hbo. on wall street the dow closed higher today after catter pillar indicated improved sales, microsoft went up when a group bought $2 billion worth of stock. april cell gained $8 a share. >> summer bridal season almost here and turns out wedding gowns don't have to cost a fortune wr. to find a gown for less than $500. >> andrea browses racks. it's important to find a gown fitting her budget. >> first thing i did was ask for the dresses that were under 500s oodz that is not an unusual request at david's bridal. gowns start as low as $99. >> and let me tell you every day, there is a bride coming
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in who needs a gown under $500. >> we'll update you on the search in just a moment. first, you'll find gowns on sale every day. >> what we do is when a manufacturer disconcontinues a gown we'll put it on sale. >> these are off the rack but every day there is a sleblgs of 50 to 100 sale gowns. >> this one is in white satin with beautiful bead embellishment. >> the dress features embroidered lace and sprinkled with beautiful bead work. it's priced at $990 but on sale for 400s oodz here we have hannah. and another beautiful gown. this is in light gold. >> she's in a fitted bodice with pearls and rhinestones adding sparkle to the look. priced at $836 you can get
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this one for $399. there is this satin gown on sale at half off for $400. the big attraction is the best. >> and this gown sold for $1149 on sale off the rack for $500. >> that great affect around the mid just cinches up the waist. >> the bulk of the gowns available off the rack size 8-16 range. now back at david's bridal adrena is looking for something pretty in lace this, is a halter mesh dress with empire west and a bargain. $139. it's part of db collection where every dress is under $250. the scoop next dress on sale for $449. >> i think everyone has a
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budget. doesn't matter if it's $30,000 or $200. everyone is on a budget. >> you know, i wanted to have something that was beautiful but i didn't want to spend an arm and leg on it now for the moment of truth. the dress she selected part of the galina collection on sale for $449. >> i love lace my whole life i knew i wanted a lace wedding dress. i loved detail on it. and it's had sparkle to it. makes me feel like a princess. >> for other bargain stores you can check out my new book. finney's finds. >> we want to bring you back to date on several injured animal autos these bear cubs ended up at lake tahoe
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wildlife care. then went into hibernation. >> we tried to give them a safe sense of security. >> the team put up motion activated cameras t find out what happened when the bears woke up. now, almost three months later photos show cubs are healthy wild bears. you can see them playing when visiting last month. you can see the right wing is dragging lower. >> volunteers thook video of him on a flight learning to use his wings again. last week photographed his release at carson pass. and chips. the bob cat rescued after a forest fire.
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chips was transfered to sierra wildlife rescue to learn to be a wild cat. this photo taken last week just before she was successfully released with another rescued cat. >> this takes thousands of hours and thousands of dollars. we have links on abc 7 >> we have one final check of the forecast right now. >> yes. spence jer back. >> and cooling on the way already. here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. coastal fog moving along the coastline. cooling off locations along the coast and near the coast tomorrow but a lock back and those records 91 in santa rosa. 89 san rafael. 82 degrees in san francisco. not a record but toasty for san francisco.
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highs tomorrow will be on the warm side but not in record 70s. low to mid-80s inland and 60s on the coast. here is the accu-weather forecast. coolest day of the week as cooling continues will be thursday. highs into low 50s and mid-70s inland then, over the weekend temperatures moderating getting back up to seasonal levels. >> spencer, thank you. >> one week after what happened in boston a's are there tonight. >> yes. >> happy things calmed down in boston. a salute to heroes in fen way park.
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good evening, among those happy to see things have returned to normal in boston, oakland a's opened a three-game series tonight. now earlier today players visited aaron hern injured in the bombings. josh redic and ty waller dropped in. members of the watertown police given a standing ovation by the faithful tonight.
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and josh redic back up the box. aj griffith couldn't hold that lead and couldn't keep anyone in the yard. bases loaded for mike napoli. high, deep arks low what means grand slam. griffin aloud seven earned runs. and giants will host arizona tonight. the year, 1953. eyesen hower was president. march yi lynn monroe a starlet. and mike shumann with more. hoo here are today's starting beauty of playing a team sport is that you'll have a bond with the group for the rest of your life. the 1953 stanford baseball team held a 60 year reunion
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yesterday with 17 players y was this team so special? >> well, first team, for stanford to go to a college world soorz this group of 80-year-olds put stanford baseball on the map. >> we crack that had barrier. would we be seen four straight times that year? that is a big milestone for use we had to look up to trough yanz not always academically. >> this team lost to michigan that year and nine of the players went on to play pro ball. >> i couldn't beat out roberto clemente. >> a 60 year reunion can be tough on memory. >> we're trying to remember good things we did but until you can see name tag you're not sure. you know? >> they all remember 1953. >> reporting at sanford abc 7
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news. >> terrific. after eight years david lee pumped to be on a playoff team for all of one game. lee suffered a torn hip flechlsor. so that leaves warriors without their best front line player. lee got hurt landing awkwardly then goes right down and knew it was bad. needs three months to recoverry. without lee the warriors hanging with nuggets. and andre miller game two, tomorrow night in denver. >> in order to advance you've got to win four games. now it's about making room for game two. this gets interesting. >> very tough task for the werers. love those stanford guys.
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>> they all looked great. >> looking fantastic. >> yes. >> that is fine. >> thank you. >> well, join me tonight at 9:00 coming up only word he uttered today. >> then, at 11:00 some stories from those hurt in the bombings. the young dancer that lost a foot. >> and tonight's prime time line up begin was two hours of "dancing with the stars". >> but that does it for this edition of abc 7 news. >> from all of us here, we appreciate your time and will see you again at 9:00 and 11:00.
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